By: Juhi Rampersad Despicable Me 4, the highly anticipated continuation of the beloved franchise, has finally hit theatres after a seven-year hiatus and...
June 27, 2024New York City is under siege by a deadly, unknown enemy that hunts by sound and kills ruthlessly in A Quiet Place: Day...
June 20, 2024From DreamWorks Animation comes a new adaptation of a literary sensation, Peter Brown’s beloved, award-winning, #1 New York Times bestseller, The Wild Robot....
June 14, 2024After two decades as one of the most beloved and enduring musicals on the stage, Wicked makes its long-awaited journey to the big...
May 16, 2024“Monkey Man” is a gritty action thriller that packs a punch with intense fight scenes, copious amounts of blood, and a compelling storyline...
April 3, 2024Bob Marley One Love, the highly anticipated film celebrating the iconic musician’s life and legacy, opened in cinemas worldwide on Valentine’s Day. Despite...
February 20, 2024Genre: Action-Comedy Cast: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Will Ferrell, Pierre Coffin, Joey King, Sofia Vergara, Stephen Colbert, Miranda Cosgrove, Chloe Fineman, Steve Coogan, Chris Renaud,...
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