This summer, Plettenberg Bay offered a diverse lineup of family-friendly events and festivals which took place across Bitou during the peak summer holiday...
February 12, 2024The Galileo Open Air Cinema, synonymous with magical outdoor movie experiences, is set to cast Cupid’s arrow over the week of love with...
February 6, 2024Grab Your Tickets to the Ultimate South African Consumer Exhibition The Rand Show, South Africa’s premier consumer lifestyle event, is once again taking...
January 30, 2024Proudly Presents EXPELLED A New South African Play by Rosalind Butler Directed by Craig Freimond Starring Charmaine Weir-Smith, Antony Coleman and introducing Nicolas...
January 29, 2024Join our mailing list to receive the latest news on what's trending in the world of travel, beauty, fashion, tech, finances and more.